Name anything you want in life. More happiness? Better relationships? More fulfilling work? Did you know that whether you have a chance of manifesting it or bringing it into your reality or not, ultimately depends on ONE thing... your BELIEF. It's so true! Why? Because your beliefs impact your thoughts, feelings and actions, which ultimately get you RESULTS in life. And what are the RESULTS? Your life. So let’s say you have a belief, “I’m not good enough.” (I'm raising my hand. I've said this in various situations throughout the years.)
Then that belief gives rise to limiting thought patterns. You then find yourself saying things to yourself that are aligned with that limiting belief. And how does not FEEL? Not good. So then here you are not feeling good and what happens is you make choices, behavior and actions based on what you believe, think and feel. So then you get limiting results – you get challenges in your life, work, relationships, money, all kinds of things start showing up. And then you look at those results and then you say, “oh, you see, it’s true. I’m not good enough or capable or life is against me.” Have you ever said something similar, my friend, when life seems to SHOW you results of your limiting beliefs? At the core, it's important to understand that your limiting beliefs are a contradiction to who you really are. Think of your beliefs as your Superpower. Heal your limiting beliefs and the world, YOUR world, opens up for you. LOVE NOTE: Beautiful friend, we can review some of your TOP challenges and limitations and how to begin transcending them in a Soul Alignment Session. Learn more about a Soul Alignment Session today >> So, lovely, whatever the beliefs are that are holding your back from living the life you truly want, deserve, and your soul is calling you to step into... The answer is always to empower yourself through your thoughts first, shift what you believe if it does not work for you and LIVE the empowered life you're meant for. As always, relax in the knowing. xoxo. Lisa --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - Follow Lisa Hromada on Twitter ~ @loveistheseed
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AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024