Part of the purpose of all souls is to understand the three supreme truths of love, thought and free will. Each is its own separate truth and gift, yet they can’t function or be of benefit without the other. And upon entering this life, you are forged with these three gifts to experience, understand, utilize and ultimately to empower you to create the life of your choosing.
The Gift of Love Love Functions and Guides. Love is at the seed of who and what you are. You are a part of the light of pure divinity. And this light is the radiant, omnipotent light of love. This love the foundation that functions and guides your life here and now, and beyond this life; and understanding, even a fraction of, what this love is and how it directly benefits your life, can completely shift your perspective and open up your connection to the answers and guidance that you may seek. So then, how does one “understand” love? There is no one answer, but a place to begin is through gratitude. Through gratitude, there is an inherent acceptance of the divine love to which you are infinitely connected. Through gratitude, you don’t have to “understand” love to allow it to work miracles in your life. Through thoughts, actions and feelings of gratitude, you effortlessly allow the love from which you were created to function and guide your life. Understanding love is reaching within and expressing without, that love forged upon each, freely giving to all. - Monday, February 1, 1982, Session 106 The Gift of Thought “Thought” Creates. “Thought” can be both powerful and empowering. Thoughts can either work for you or hold you back from the learning, growing and fulfilling of what you must do in this life for the evolution of your soul and for the pure enjoyment of living in this life. Thoughts are powerful; they create each experience and, in fact, make each experience what it is. Like-thoughts attract. Positive loving thoughts grow, and conversely, negative thoughts attract negative thoughts and negative energy. Thoughts take on a life of their own and “live” within you, even beyond this life. So, if you carry a negative thought vibration and never release it or resolve it, once you leave this life, the energy of that thought still remains within you and will be carried to the next experiences of learning. The sooner you can harness the power of your thoughts in a way that they become of complete service to you, the better, and more empowered you will be. The empowerment comes when “thought” is a mere tool to living out a life filled with purpose and in the joy of creating. “In understanding that thought creates all, a major step in creating is reached.” Notebook #17, Page 5 The Gift of Free Will Free Will Expresses. In the spiritual sense, free will is a truth you are forged with upon coming into this life. Free will is an enormous gift. You can create any reality and make any moment what you desire through choice and expression, through action. And conversely, you have the free will to make choices that are not of your highest benefit. The empowerment that comes from this gift of free will is when you begin to understand that this free will is really an opportunity for you to make wholly beneficial conscious decisions based on the foundation, or the seed, of love. When you do this, you lovingly combine the highest aspects of who you are and your divine journey, with your personal life in form in this Earth experience. Given that thought creates, free will expresses and love is the foundation that functions and guides, you have all that you need, in companionship with divine guiding presence, to create a life that is fulfilling you—the personality living out this life—and your soul. The justice that each possess is the love of God that through forged free will all will individually and collectively create their destiny and path to the truth. The truth is that love is the seed of all creation, of all being, of all. - Notebook #23, Page 15 --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. -
The Transformational Empowerment of Gratitude
The Gift of Life One of the greatest privileges for soul is to come into human form and experience this life in companionship with other souls and in companionship with the Love from which we were created. If a soul wishes to become a part of Earth's experience, it requires cooperation of other souls, the Earth, the growth and maturation of our body/form, and all that we have and all that we wish to accomplish takes the cooperation of others—and for that reason alone, we can live in gratitude. A New Day, New People and New Experiences Every day we get a fresh chance at life. We have the gift to open our eyes each morning sheltered in a safe place, to hear the rain or feel the sun that shines upon our skin; we have the gift of all creations, and with thoughts of gratitude, we recognize that nothing is promised in this life, and all is a gift. Gratitude is the understanding that God created all out of love and each have a purpose—the flowers, trees, animals, and humans. Each have a purpose and contribute to our daily experiences and to our overall soul’s learning and maturation. Our Thoughts Create Our Reality – Let Them Be of Gratitude Our thoughts create our reality. Thought creates each experience and in fact makes each experience what it is. Now, if one is projecting thoughts of gratitude and thoughts of giving, there is a natural law that exists whereby one will receive back what one has given. With gratitude, there is never a lack. The Empowerment of Gratitude Gratitude yields near-immediate benefits that lead to increased levels of contentment and well-being. When we practice gratitude, all things around us and within us change. It has emotional, social and health benefits and it is directly linked to greater satisfaction in all aspects of our lives. One example that can touch upon each person now reading these words is to stop and think about the times when out of an act of love for no other reason other than you wanted to, you gave something good of yourself expecting nothing in return. That something might be a word of encouragement to another. When doing this, you immediately felt exhilarated, charged with more energy than usual, maybe even light headed, for it made you feel for that moment fulfilled, happy or energetic. And anyone reading these words has felt that. Now imagine that feeling of happiness. You can expand that just by putting into practice thoughts of love and gratitude, and your life will begin to change. A gratitude prayer you can use today. > --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - Monday, December 21, 1981 Session 78
This is a Wise One. Love is the exalted word, feeling, emotion, thought. Love is the seed of creation of all. Love is a battle. Love is an understanding. Love is a patience. Love is a resolve. Love is resolving through patience to understand that feeling emotion, exalted thought that seeds all creation. Love is all. Love will comfort the ill. Love will exalt the strong. Love will forge the average. Love will forge upon all mankind that supreme understanding of being. Being is the supreme understanding of truth. Being is the supreme wisdom of faith in truth. Love is the knowledge that the wisdom of truth is supreme and supreme is Love. Love is the hope of all, the belief of a better existence, the knowledge of a beloved past. The truth of all knowledge is love. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - Notebook #35 Page 10, Date Unknown
Light is truth. Light is justice. Light is order. Light is color. Light is experience. Light is the thought of intent marking its color upon infinity. The love that is given freely, is love to create. The love that is self-seeking is short lived. Love always is and always will be. To understand love, one but has to look at life and endeavor and creativity. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - Notebook #28 Page 7, Date Unknown
Through love you are your natural self. Love given is the law of creation, the truth of creation that is natural and most creative. Psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, therapists, have in your time treated what is wrong or perceived wrong with life forms. If the approach to the situation was to look for what is right, then one would seek through love and look for the response to love. That exists as a part of All. This approach accomplishes many positive cures both for the therapist and the patient. Love is the order by which all are equal in God's eyes. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - |
AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
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