A Grateful Heart Opens Channels for All Things Greater
The heart chakra represents the Divine qualities and intelligence of the heart. It is linked to peace, harmony, love, understanding, clarity, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. Expressing gratitude with a full heart opens us up to God’s grace, for only in those moments of gratitude do we recognize the love of all that was created and its role in our own soul’s evolution. This journey is not a solo one. A Way of Life Gratitude is extremely powerful in this life. We often underestimate what gratitude can do for our life here and beyond this one life. Living in a state of gratitude as much as we can is one of the most effective ways of getting in touch with your soul – your higher level of consciousness and connection to all creation, which is connected to the Divine and all other creations. What does gratitude look like? It is mindfulness-living, noticing and appreciating the gift of the ups and downs
Each of the following quotes is taken from Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World (available at various retailers Fall 2019) "How much more loving and just can God be, than to allow each to create their own unique destiny and to reap all the benefits of what each creates." Date Undocumented This quote speaks directly to the pure, omnipotent love of God. A love without condition. Out of love, each are given the freedom to create anything they wish. Imagine for a moment, this idea of creation and the freedom to create your own unique destiny. This is an empowerment that you have every minute of every day, to make the best of this life. Because God understands that the “knowing” soul will understand that the highest quality thought is love, He freely gives each soul rights and truths of creating. "Each soul has inherent within it the God given talent of creating. What souls cannot be given is understanding, for understanding comes about by not just observing but doing. Not just doing correctly, but erroring." - Sunday, March 14, 1982, Session 136 This is one of my favorite messages within Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World. It is a reminder that we must error, that it is inevitable to error when in pursuit of our innate desire for understanding. Yes, sometimes these errors are big and sometimes they are errors that hurt others, whether intentionally or unintentionally, yet this is all for the sake of evolution—your own and collectively for all. "Within each human personality is the soul that has created it. And within each soul is God." - Tuesday, October 19, 1982, Session 250, Page 2 One of the gifts that each soul is forged with is the ability to create. Each are co-creators in evolution and when you come into this Earth reality, you create and nurture a personality. As a part of this, you as soul are a part of God, part of one consciousness and part of All That Is. "Choice is the soul living its evolutionary existence. The choice is made every second, every micro second of a soul's existence. These choices are the souls, are your choices, as part of free will. Positive or negative, each choice returns to the soul. So, it is that, a law of God for all, is a justice in the heart shall be yours." - Monday, November 16, 1981, Session 49 We have free will choice of positive or negative thinking and actions. We are reminded to keep in mind that positive brings more of the same and brings us closer to understanding love, and negative accumulates more of the same and ultimately acquires debts (negative karma). This is the justice in the heart that one shall have. "When the soul reincarnates it first goes through a rest and learning period if the soul chooses. Now the physical Earthly existence is a true challenge meant for those hardy souls to more quickly accelerate learning." - Monday, March 15, 1982, Session 137 There is one thing for sure, this life is not an easy and smooth one. From day one, we have ups and downs, highs and lows, and there are millions of things that we must learn, not only to function as a human alongside other diverse humans, but also there are key experiences we must have and learn from for our soul’s development. And many of these things we have agreed to experience before coming into this life. So, whether consciously or subconsciously, we are in a constant state of trying to balance our personality, ego and earthly responsibilities with our true self as “soul.” Yes, this life is a challenge meant for hardy souls like you. "Free will is with all souls but one of the tenants of free will is that one soul, or any being possessing free will should not and, in eternal truth, cannot order another's free will." - One of the “laws” or “truths” of God, as expressed within Love is the Seed: Teaching from the Spirit World is this idea that each are forged with love, thought and free will coming into this life. Each are given free will to choose their thoughts, actions and reactions. This is one of the struggles of this human experience – we have seen this throughout history, and even today, that there are those who make it their mission to take away or order another’s free will. In a spiritual sense, this does not and cannot occur. ---
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AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024