![]() Why must we understand “thought” in the evolution of our soul and in this shared reality that is our life on Earth? What we know from the sessions with Spirit, documented in Love is the Seed—and if we just think about our lives—we realize that it is thoughts that create our reality, OR what we perceive our reality to be. It is said within Love is the Seed that: “Thought creates each experience and in fact makes each experience what it is.” That this human experience is a dream, and in this dream, we are creating what we experience through our thoughts—good or bad. It was said in one session that: This is the dream of consciousness and when one on Earth sleeps or meditates, one is closer to reality than when one is experiencing the experience.” What this means is that true reality lies within who we are authentically as “soul;” not the reality in which we live here in this human experience, which is temporary, like a dream that the soul has created for the sake of learning, growing and evolving. As one of the core teachings within the book, Love is the Seed, it is expressed how our thoughts can live on forever in the memory of the soul. That: "When the soul is focused within any reality it is focused by the method of thought creation, the infinite law of God, and truth says that which is created through thought lives forever as a free will creation.” What this means is that if we think enough of the same thoughts here in this human experience that cause the same types of emotions, that this thought-energy can be stored in the memory of the soul until we learn enough through the thought energy to release it. As expressed in Love is the Seed on page 139: “To hang onto a thought is to remain in a particular energy field for as long as the thought is hung onto. So, when you hang onto a negative thought, you will stay in this low-level energy field until that thought is let go. Like with all creations, thoughts themselves become multidimensional within their own vibrational level and live on within there.” For example, let’s say that stored within the memory of your soul is a thought-energy of low self-worth. To learn to the truth of love, beyond this thought-energy, you then come into this life and are presented with experiences in which it sparks these thoughts and feelings of low self-worth, in order for you to seek the truth of who you really are and your connection to love and God. To learn more, check out this session on the Frequency of Thought and more in Love is the Seed. As always, relax in the knowing. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com.
![]() How can we see the “Love” when bad things happen and how can we find greater peace? One of the core teachings that came through the sessions documented in Love is the Seed is that all are created equal in the eyes of God. You may find it difficult to see God in others and wonder how God has created all equally and all out of love, when there are those out there who create devastation, spread hate and harm others. How can they possibly be created equally and out of the same energy of divine love that you were created? The thing is, and as was reflected by the souls and wise ones who spike in Love is the Seed, there are layers upon layers of history, beliefs, man-made structures, laws and a collective unconsciousness that exists… and this can be especially difficult to accept. It can be easy to overlook the love that exists each day and in each person. Yet love will, nonetheless, always reveal itself. It can be as simple as a small gesture of kindness or selflessness—of giving without the expectation of receiving anything in return. We have a story—many stories, in fact, over lifetimes. And each lifetime, a self-evolving personality as a part of our soul. Within this particular lifetime, you are born into a different set of circumstances, physical body, environment and upbringing. Regardless of appearance, color, race, dialect, level of intelligence and social status, whether described as a “good person” or a “bad person,” who speaks “too soft” or “too harsh,” “too loud” or “too quiet,” whatever the belief or reality may be, you, and each, are created equally in the eyes of God. This core teaching that all are created equally in the eyes of God, is important to understand because it speaks to the divine justice of this life. Each day, we share your space with millions of souls each on their own journey of self-discovery and learning, and each at their own level of knowing, within the evolution of soul. This means that inevitably our life is full of contrast—good things, bad things, good people and bad people. So, all are created equally in the eyes of God because all—no matter “good” or “bad”— are created with love at the seed and each living out their justice. And this justice is always given out of divine love. If you want to read more, you can find references to this question throughout Love is the Seed. And as always, relax in the knowing. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com. |
AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024