![]() (Don't want to read? Listen to this article instead.) There’s something amazing that my two-year-old told me recently that I think is really relevant to share right now as we are about to put this current year behind us and look forward to the new year, and each year, to come. I believe that it can give us a reminder and a boost in faith that we are never alone in this life. So, here’s the story… The other morning, upon waking, my two-year-old immediately grabbed a book and started looking at it. As she flipped through the pages, she began to sing to herself, “Jesus is my friend… Jesus is my friend”... in a harmonious melody. Now, there were no songs she had been listening to or stories that she had heard to spark her to sing these words, yet she was peacefully and joyfully singing them to herself. I sat and watched her for a few moments and then I said, “I like your song. It is true, Jesus is our friend. How did you know?” And she said... “I just know.” Her confidence was amazing, and I particularly loved this simple answer because it speaks directly to the truth that we all come into this life with a certain level of knowing. We each are “knower soul” at some level. I then ask her who told her that Jesus is our friend. I thought she might say me… that maybe I had mentioned something at some point. But instead she replied,... "Jesus.” …that he had been in her dream. Well, of course I wanted to know more, so I ask her if she knows who Jesus is, and when she told me no, I gave her the simplest answer I could think to give to a two-year old without going into too much detail yet about Jesus’ life and purpose. I said... “well, Jesus is the son of God.” And without hesitation, she said with confidence: “Yeah! And he helped us when he died.” Now... my two-year-old is consistently surprising me with her level of knowledge and understanding of things and her compassion for others, but this still was a surprising answer for me coming from a two-year-old who, for the most part, talks about princesses and sings nursery rhymes. Whether or not she realized the profound significance behind this statement, there was a level of knowing within her of the love of God and the life of Jesus and what he gave. I share this story because I believe it’s a good example that whether we fully realize it or not, we are not alone in this life. That whatever struggles we may have experienced or will experience, we can have faith that as we go through each day, that a divine energy of love is with us every step of the way. I believe that it reassures us that our thoughts and prayers are being heard. We may not realize it, especially when we are in the midst of struggle or when our life is not going as we want, but we have the opportunity at any moment to co-write our story with God. We may do this through our relationship and faith in Jesus or we may do this through other spiritual teachings that speak to this infinite, divine love that flows throughout of all of life. Whatever the method is, we can have faith that this love exists and is with us every moment. And we know this by… not just dreams that we might have, but we know this by seeing the good in our everyday life-- …the conversation with a good friend, ...the quiet moments when we feel at peace, …the joy we feel watching our children laugh and play, the health we experience, ...the job that allows us to pay our bills, ...the comfort of our home and so on. In this experience for my two-year-old, it seems that a song was put into her heart of a love and companionship that is available to us all. It shines a light on the truth that we are never alone in this life and we can count on this divine friendship to see us through any experience. It is my hope that this year, and every new year to come is filled with moments in which you feel this friendship in your everyday experiences. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com.
![]() (Listen to this article instead) In both Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts, the subject of free will is talked about often. In The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now, I speak about the empowerment that comes when we align our free will with "Divine will" or "God’s will", which is true free will. Now there’s an interesting conversation we can have just around that, but what I want to share today that came from a Monday, November 16, 1981 session in Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World in particular, is something that was said by a Wise One regarding “choice.” As a side note, one of the most incredible things about these sessions documented in Love is the Seed is that there were many souls anxious to come through to speak from their own level of knowing on various topics. These souls and Wise Ones were each speaking from a different environment in the afterlife, where they are learning and experiencing different things. So, in this November 16 session, this Wise One spoke about how “choice is the soul living its evolutionary existence” and how important choice becomes in the evolution of soul as well as here in this human experience. That choice is made every second, every microsecond of a soul's existence. The choice we are making is which alternative to choose given our experience, situation, and emotional response. This Wise One says, that one may choose an alternative that helps the soul gain greater understanding of all that is—meaning the love of God—and the soul’s responsibility to all. This would be a positive choice. Alternatively, one might be merely driven to fulfill the ego of the soul, which means simply to fulfill themselves within, and not to come from within and expand out from the loving energy from which each are created. Again, these choices occur in microseconds. As was said by this Wise One, these choices are the soul’s and they are our choices as part of free will. And whatever the choice may be, each choice returns to the soul. If the choice is just and positive, and made with love and fairness, it returns manifold for both us in this human personality and as soul. And if a choice is negative, it too returns, but in a way that haunts, so to speak, the soul… or we can say that it is returned as a debt (or negative karma) to be lived out and learned from. These debts must be recognized and dealt with for the further understanding and development of the soul. What this comes down to for us here and now living this human experience in our day to day life is recognizing the importance of the choices we make, because the choices we make ultimately lead to the experiences that we have here—good and bad. What is really interesting and important to understand is that each of these choices relates to energy—either positive or negative—that we carry with us. So, if a soul proceeds on a negative path and reinforces that with similar decisions and actions, it will become weighted with a negative charge. This may be why we can feel weighted down energetically sometimes. We need a balance. We need a positive outlook and charge to gain greater energy. A soul that accumulates positive energy and positive will gain much expansive energy and eventually will gain a place with evolved souls, and a place of creating as a part of God. This is that ultimate destination. This is part of what they mean in Love is the Seed when they say, that “a law of God for all, is a justice in the heart shall be yours.” If you want to explore this topic more, you can find references of it throughout Love is the Seed. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com. ![]() (Don't want to read? Listen to this article instead.) Grace is one of the most meaningful and incredible things we can embrace and understand. And while there is still so much that I don’t know about grace (since it is not something that we can grasp mentally, but we have to recognize and experience), I feel inspired to speak about it because right now (given what is happening in our nation and world), we can all use a little extra grace in our lives and be reminded that Grace is at work right now for us, whether we fully realize it or not. I did not truly begin to even think about grace until I experienced specific times of suffering. And it was by Grace that took me out of those times. And this is the beauty of Grace for everyone reading these words. Grace is an important topic because it is such a big part of our lives and our ability to live more purposefully and with greater joy. It is through grace that we can experience blessings, miracles and answered prayers. And it is through Grace that we can find greater meaning and enter into a space where we can begin living a life more of our choosing and experience more of the “good” that life has to offer. ...... The beauty about Grace is that it is available to anyone, at any time, no matter how rough or smooth your life has been or the mistakes you may have made. In the book, The Three Supreme Gifts, I share how Grace is one of the 4 fundamental qualities of love. That grace is not only something that we receive from God, but it is something that we can embody and share with others. And when we do so, we become a giver of empowerments and have the opportunity to make the positive impact in the world. In The Three Supreme Gifts, I explain grace in this way: “Grace can be defined as divine light and energy that is always in motion to benefit all in creation. When you think about, “the grace of God”, what you are understanding is how God moves the good and the bad in a wholly beneficial way.” What this means is that when you are in grace or in the favor of God (which again is available to you in any given moment) you can still experience times of challenge because Grace moves BOTH the good stuff AND the bad stuff in your life. Just think about the ebb and flow that has occurred in your life to get you where you are today and you’ll recognize how grace has been in motion the entire time. I think of this movement of the good and bad as a harmonious orchestra of divinely guided actions of God working through us to fulfill a purpose and that purpose is unique to each. It is through Grace that we can essentially “start over.” Imagine an event in your life, or a set of events, that have happened that maybe you said to yourself “boy, wouldn’t it be great if I could start all over.” Maybe have things be different. And in this moment, you pray or look to God, or "something greater", that you know exists and you release the negative emotions attached to the event and have faith that something Greater will help clear a path for better things. It is in that moment that you call upon Grace and it is at this point that you allow Grace to do its work in your life moving the good, moving the bad for you benefit. While you can’t erase your past events or experiences that may have caused you suffering, what Grace does is it moves the good and the bad in the most wholly beneficial way for you and gently, or we can say “gracefully”, places you on a better path. And for many, it feels like a new life — or perhaps more accurately stated, a “renewed” life. In my father’s experiences, which are what inspired both Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts to be written, at one point in his spiritual journey, he was absorbed into the light of, what he described as, the Eternal Gate of Grace beyond and within conditioning existence, where each are “divinely restarted.” Now this can be explained in more detail what that actually means but what’s most important, I believe to understand is that Grace, God’s grace, is a gift available to each and can give us the opportunity to shift our life. Grace is something that we mature into, which means all we’re required to do is what we’re doing right now and at some point, we may be called to do something else. May this day and each of your days be filled with grace. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com. |
AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024