The Empowerment of God’s Love: Create a Life of Greater Joy and Peace
A Relationship to Psalm 23 Throughout different points in my life, including as a child, I believed that there is a “bigger calling” that most of us have and that we live this life, partly, to uncover and live out this calling, which is unique for us all. Because of various spiritual experiences I had growing up, I felt that this “bigger calling” related, for me, as sharing the empowerments we are given through Divine Love. I rarely attended any one church consistently growing up, nor did I affiliate with any specific denomination, yet there was always a “presence” I felt, which called at me, for what I can only describe as “more.” After a series of challenging experiences in my life, I was led to uncover what this “more” was—or at least I was starting to get a clearer glimpse of it. UNCOVERING MY “MORE” This “more” eventually manifested for me as being led to write two books back-to-back (within a period of a few months) on God’s love and the empowerments that are bestowed upon us. Those two books became Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World and The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now. The Three Supreme Gifts provides a clear path and an in depth understanding of the three supreme truths introduced in Love is the Seed, which are love, thought and free will. WHAT I DISCOVERED ABOUT THESE THREE SUPREME GIFTS What I discovered as I pursued this path to understanding the three supreme gifts is that these gifts alone encompass all aspects of our life in a way that once they are understood, they can completely shift our life into the direct path in alignment with the light of love, grace, mercy and compassionate wisdom that is God. THE THREE STORIES OF OUR LIFE I often talk about how there are three stories of our lives: the story we write, the story being written through us and the story that we can co-write with God. As a part of these stories, we have love, thought and free will, that together, empower us to create greater joy and peace for ourselves and to be of benefit to others. What greater gift that God has given than to give us the empowerment to create a life of our choosing and be a support as our “Shepherd”. EMPOWERMENT WITHIN PSALM 23 When I first came upon this particular passage in the Bible, Psalm 23, and read it line by line, I came upon the phrase “green pastures.” In my mind, I pictured a lush landscape of soft green vegetation. Yet, what is interesting is that in much of the landscape in Israel, for example, where the shepherds are tending their flock, it is rare to see much of anything green, yet they call it “green pastures.” The symbology of these landscapes speaks directly to God’s love and guidance. In the desert, it rains very little, yet just enough rain comes each year to allow handfuls of grass to grow sparsely through the rocks. As the shepherds lead their sheep through this landscape, they know that it will provide enough food for the flock. What we can learn from this symbolic environment called “green pastures” is that the shepherd will always guide the flock to what they need for that moment—not some undefined time in the future, but for that moment, knowing too that wherever they go in the future, all will be provided for in the right way and right timing. Isn’t that how God works in our life as well? As our Shepherd, we, too, shall not want. It is a beautiful passage that speaks to the very foundation of God’s love that guides us in our life, providing us what we need in the moment. It is a passage that can encourage us to look at this very moment as a gift and not stress about what we may or may not get in the future. We can rest and relax in the knowing that God provides and is always our greatest guide. Despite the fact that we are not sheep (sheep are not known as the smartest of God’s creations) we, too, need to have faith in and depend on the love, grace, mercy and guidance of God. “Love is the seed. Love is the way of all.” – Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. -
I had a reader of The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now (The Three Supreme Gifts) share with me:
"I read & really enjoyed The Three Supreme Gifts, but I come from an analytical background and I feel like I need further explanation of ‘love’ in order to fully understand it. Can you expand on love more?" The short answer is that “love”, from a spiritual perspective goes beyond all thoughts, feelings and emotions. It just… is “love”. We just… are “love”. To fully understand what love really means—and to understand nearly anything, for that matter—we need to experience it. That is one reason why it is such a gift to be able to come into this human form—we get the chance to experience who we really are... (and this is accomplished in part through the three supreme gifts of love, thought and free will). What I discovered about this reader is that he has experienced frequent visits from his mother who passed. My first question then for this reader is, “what did you feel when you saw her?” He may not be able to put into words what he felt… because he just “felt it” and can only describe this feeling as “love;” Or he might say it is a feeling of being “happy,” “at peace,” “supported,” “connected,” et al. In this moment, nothing exists but this overwhelming sense of love and connection. It is not physical; you can’t touch it, but you can feel it within your heart and in every cell of your being. This is what love is. In Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World, it was Edgar Cayce, American self-professed clairvoyant, who said in a Monday, December 28, 1981 session: “I write of love and am still not able to describe the truth of love, for no words can fully express the truth of love but the word ‘love’ itself.” In another session with Spirit documented in the book Love is the Seed, the souls describe love as “a feeling that your body and mind are exhilarated.” From my experience, this is a good description. When you experience this feeling of love, all stress leaves your body and mind. You are in “bliss.” You are free, empowered and liberated. This is how I “feel” when I experience vivid dreams (visits) with loved ones who have passed. I would be in an environment and I would see or feel their presence, and when I do, I am happy and excited. I feel uplifted and empowered… supported and connected. I feel good about myself and I feel a sense of peace knowing that this love exists--this ever-expanding, limitless love… exists. So, then in what ways do you and can you experience this love in a more tangible way in this life? We get glimpses of this love throughout our life, that we feel with our senses:
It is acknowledging that we did not create the heavens or Earth, but something more divine and loving. Love is feeling that you are “home” wherever you are. Often people who have out of body experiences and are in an environment where they feel this love, they don’t want to leave. They know they are “home.” To say it feels good, is an understatement, but this is what it is… you just feel “good” and “right;” you feel “at home.” For a detailed explanation of the Four Fundamental Qualities of Love and how it translates in this life, explore the first chapter of The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. -
If there is a secret to mastering your life, this is it.
I have read many books from amazing authors who speak of various perspectives and areas of focus to attain a life of greater joy and peace. Yet it was not until I read through the sessions with Spirit that my parents experienced and that is documented in Love is the Seed: Teaching from the Spirit World that I realized how upon our creation, we are given all that we need to create a life of our choosing. A three-part formula revealed itself and I wanted to see how I could make this formula work in my life and share it with others. How The Three Supreme Gifts Simplified My Life What I discovered as I pursued this path to understanding the three supreme gifts is that these gifts alone that we have access to right now, encompass all aspects of this life in a way that once understood, completely shift our life into the direct path in alignment with the light of divine wisdom already within us. And in doing so, we live a life of less stress and more fulfillment. The roles we play don’t cease; they become more divinely directed. And the way that we feel, view and respond to the world around us and our role becomes more holistically beneficial. It’s a beautiful thing. Because of implementing in my own life, the teachings and practices within this book, I noticed even more clearly the divine flow that moves in life. I can only describe it as, “things line up.” When negative emotions arise or I feel myself becoming more impatient for one reason or another, I immediately recognize it, implement the practices that I share in The Three Supreme Gifts and because of that, my life so much more enjoyable—it is one of deeper inner peace and greater compassion in a new way. I discovered an enlightening link between the three supreme gifts in a way that completely shifted how I looked at every aspect of my life and how, with simple steps, this physical, conditioned life can be instantly transformed. Such a shift eliminates the constant frustration and feelings of disconnect, naturally strengthens our spiritual connection and lights our path in new ways to the blessed, beneficial life we are meant to have. The three supreme gifts and practices help you to:
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“If you have ever wanted to know the meaning or purpose of your life, how to master or navigate your life, and really any question you may have about your life, it all comes down to what you have at this very moment. What you have is love, thought and free will.” {BONUS LAUNCH OFFER} When you buy The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now, you can get instant access to my "Resources to Further Your Spiritual Journey." Visit to learn how to get access to these free resources.
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AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024