If there is a secret to mastering your life, this is it.
I have read many books from amazing authors who speak of various perspectives and areas of focus to attain a life of greater joy and peace. Yet it was not until I read through the sessions with Spirit that my parents experienced and that is documented in Love is the Seed: Teaching from the Spirit World that I realized how upon our creation, we are given all that we need to create a life of our choosing. A three-part formula revealed itself and I wanted to see how I could make this formula work in my life and share it with others. How The Three Supreme Gifts Simplified My Life What I discovered as I pursued this path to understanding the three supreme gifts is that these gifts alone that we have access to right now, encompass all aspects of this life in a way that once understood, completely shift our life into the direct path in alignment with the light of divine wisdom already within us. And in doing so, we live a life of less stress and more fulfillment. The roles we play don’t cease; they become more divinely directed. And the way that we feel, view and respond to the world around us and our role becomes more holistically beneficial. It’s a beautiful thing. Because of implementing in my own life, the teachings and practices within this book, I noticed even more clearly the divine flow that moves in life. I can only describe it as, “things line up.” When negative emotions arise or I feel myself becoming more impatient for one reason or another, I immediately recognize it, implement the practices that I share in The Three Supreme Gifts and because of that, my life so much more enjoyable—it is one of deeper inner peace and greater compassion in a new way. I discovered an enlightening link between the three supreme gifts in a way that completely shifted how I looked at every aspect of my life and how, with simple steps, this physical, conditioned life can be instantly transformed. Such a shift eliminates the constant frustration and feelings of disconnect, naturally strengthens our spiritual connection and lights our path in new ways to the blessed, beneficial life we are meant to have. The three supreme gifts and practices help you to:
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“If you have ever wanted to know the meaning or purpose of your life, how to master or navigate your life, and really any question you may have about your life, it all comes down to what you have at this very moment. What you have is love, thought and free will.” {BONUS LAUNCH OFFER} When you buy The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now, you can get instant access to my "Resources to Further Your Spiritual Journey." Visit www.loveistheseed.com/threesupremegifts.html to learn how to get access to these free resources.
Visit www.loveistheseed.com/threesupremegifts.html for more information.
In times of need, many turn to timeless spiritual teachings. They are a source of comfort and wisdom for believers and nonbelievers alike because they touch on an inner knowing that exists within each person living this human experience. We each seek in our own unique way a spiritual awakening, to connect with something greater than ourselves, to understand better our life and be reminded that we are never alone.
It is within the messages of Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World that give us the opportunity to consciously open up to a clearer communication with the Universe and invite the light of love, mercy and grace to live through us, and empower us to feel more charged, happy, and positive about our life. Even as I read the words in Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World over and over, I am amazed at how they naturally guide us all to be more mindful. The words carry an energy that exists in many powerful spiritual books. Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World takes you momentarily out of your “story” and into the present moment. It provides you with an important message that you are, in fact, a part of something greater. It is a resource that not only serves as information on the meaning of life in this human experience and in the spirit world, but it also challenges common assumptions and opens us all up to positively transforming our thinking and way of being. My Path from Anxiously Pursuing and Waiting… to Divine Flow I started writing for and organizing the sessions for Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World after looking deeply into my own life experiences, purpose, truths, lessons, challenges and successes, and recognizing a shift I was making to living a more conscious life—acknowledging it from both a karma perspective and that of living in constant companionship with something “greater;” I call that something “greater”, God. It is through the sessions within Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World that I understand the gift of this life and the divine reasons for the heartbreak and challenges I personally have experienced. I am reminded through these sessions that there is always a loving energy that guides and supports every aspect of our existence and evolution. Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World helps you to:
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Then I invite you to “come sit with us.” LET'S GO ON THE JOURNEY TOGETHER! For a limited time, when you buy Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World, you can get instant access to:
"A Journey Through Love is the Seed"
9-Part Video Series of content-packed clips that take you personally through Love is the Seed and help you better understand and implement these spiritual teachings in your life. Visit https://www.loveistheseed.com/loveistheseed.html to sign up to receive access to this video series.
Visit https://www.loveistheseed.com/loveistheseed.html for more information
AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024