Last October (2019), I was interviewed by Dr. Matt Welsh, J.D. Ph.D. for Spiritual Media Blog. One of my favorite questions that he asked was: "You write about relax in the knowing. What advice would you have for someone who has a history of trauma or inclination towards anxiety and has difficulty relaxing because of previous trauma or losses in life?" What an incredible question and I was grateful for the opportunity to share my insights into the answer. Lisa Hromada: “Relax in the knowing” is really a core message in everything that I share and stems from the sessions with Spirit documented in Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World. Relax in the knowing that:
I have great compassion for those who experience trauma and loss; I’ve experienced my own trauma and loss, experienced panic attacks, and I know people who suffer from anxiety and depression and there is no “one size fits all” method to healing. But here is what I know for sure based on my own experience, those of my father and the messages reflected within the sessions with Spirit, is that we have a choice in the thoughts we think, how we feel, how we view what is happening in our life and the actions that we take. Our greatest power comes from within. What is learned through the teachings of Spirit is that we each are given, upon our creation, three supreme gifts, which are what empower us to feel better, more in control and know that we can, in fact, have a life of greater joy and peace. My advice to those who experience anxiety and past trauma is to..." ---
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In the Feb/March Relationship Issue of Creations Magazine, I share the #1 question to ask yourself to create relationships that thrive (and not just survive). Relationship impact every area of our life — work, friendships, romantic relationships, parent/child relationships, and just the relationship we have to all those around us.
What is this question? The answer to this stems from one of the supreme gifts outlined in The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now, and introduced in Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World. |
AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024