(Listen to this article instead) In both Love is the Seed and The Three Supreme Gifts, the subject of free will is talked about often. In The Three Supreme Gifts: A Practical Approach to Self-Mastery and to Transforming Your Life Here and Now, I speak about the empowerment that comes when we align our free will with "Divine will" or "God’s will", which is true free will. Now there’s an interesting conversation we can have just around that, but what I want to share today that came from a Monday, November 16, 1981 session in Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World in particular, is something that was said by a Wise One regarding “choice.” As a side note, one of the most incredible things about these sessions documented in Love is the Seed is that there were many souls anxious to come through to speak from their own level of knowing on various topics. These souls and Wise Ones were each speaking from a different environment in the afterlife, where they are learning and experiencing different things. So, in this November 16 session, this Wise One spoke about how “choice is the soul living its evolutionary existence” and how important choice becomes in the evolution of soul as well as here in this human experience. That choice is made every second, every microsecond of a soul's existence. The choice we are making is which alternative to choose given our experience, situation, and emotional response. This Wise One says, that one may choose an alternative that helps the soul gain greater understanding of all that is—meaning the love of God—and the soul’s responsibility to all. This would be a positive choice. Alternatively, one might be merely driven to fulfill the ego of the soul, which means simply to fulfill themselves within, and not to come from within and expand out from the loving energy from which each are created. Again, these choices occur in microseconds. As was said by this Wise One, these choices are the soul’s and they are our choices as part of free will. And whatever the choice may be, each choice returns to the soul. If the choice is just and positive, and made with love and fairness, it returns manifold for both us in this human personality and as soul. And if a choice is negative, it too returns, but in a way that haunts, so to speak, the soul… or we can say that it is returned as a debt (or negative karma) to be lived out and learned from. These debts must be recognized and dealt with for the further understanding and development of the soul. What this comes down to for us here and now living this human experience in our day to day life is recognizing the importance of the choices we make, because the choices we make ultimately lead to the experiences that we have here—good and bad. What is really interesting and important to understand is that each of these choices relates to energy—either positive or negative—that we carry with us. So, if a soul proceeds on a negative path and reinforces that with similar decisions and actions, it will become weighted with a negative charge. This may be why we can feel weighted down energetically sometimes. We need a balance. We need a positive outlook and charge to gain greater energy. A soul that accumulates positive energy and positive will gain much expansive energy and eventually will gain a place with evolved souls, and a place of creating as a part of God. This is that ultimate destination. This is part of what they mean in Love is the Seed when they say, that “a law of God for all, is a justice in the heart shall be yours.” If you want to explore this topic more, you can find references of it throughout Love is the Seed. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com. Follow Lisa Hromada on Twitter ~ @loveistheseed
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