Many of us become accustomed to believing that what we experience our reality to be in our life is “just the way it is.” Over the years, we experience struggles in relationships, finances, health, self-confidence, feelings of worry or inferiority, or whatever it may be, and we come to a point where we sigh and say, “well, that’s life, right?” But what if there’s another way we’re meant to live? What if we’re not meant to suffer, struggle, and be limited by our beliefs and fears? Sure, we experience challenges, times of loss, and lack of clarity, but what if we have everything within us to open our life to limitless possibilities and experience less struggle and more joy? You, beautiful friend, are moments away from lifting an invisible veil that’s been hiding unlimited potential for experiencing greater purpose, meaning, and growth for the woman you are today, and for your soul who came here for a reason unique to you. Your soul came here carrying with it an Empowered Lifeview™ that originates from Divine wisdom. This Empowered Lifeview™, when understood and practiced becomes your path to living “another way”, where you’re not limited to following the specific story of your life thus far but can co-create something new and better — for yourself, family, and all those you come in contact with. The Empowered Lifeview™ is a spiritual lifeview with practical application. And it is your connection to your soul and those spiritual helpers, guides, and loved ones in the spirit world and your Creator — all who work in possibilities and solutions. The Empowered Lifeview™ is a spiritual solutions-focused mindset on what’s possible. Your soul came here knowing that all things are possible. And it seeks to remind you of this truth daily. The Empowered Lifeview™ uses aspects of your physical nature (body, mind, emotions) as tools for empowerment that allow you to get in touch with your spiritual, true nature. This “nature” is your soul, which is your leader and experiencer in this life, and the Divine, which is your support, compassionate guide, and abundant provider. It is a method of lessening the pain or emotional suffering we experience and increasing the feelings of joy, purpose, belonging, meaning, and so on. How do we begin living the Empowered Lifeview™ we were created for? Here are a few beginning steps: Click to READ MORE >> Original Article by Lisa Hromada is Featured on Aspire Magazine.
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AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024