“Understand that love that exists within you and express that love. And you shall find a great deal more peace in your Earthly lives.” - Ch 1: Love, Wednesday, February 17, 1982 Session 118, Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World
I vividly recall the days when my maternal grandmother was in her final days of her life. Her health was failing, and she was in and out of awareness before finally falling into a coma. I was living over 800 miles away at the time and could not fly home to see her. This day, January 3, 2019, marks the ninth anniversary of my grandmother’s passing, and each year this day reminds me of both the heartache and void of her passing and the beauty of life, this life, all life, and her life. As much as we may understand the impermanence of this life, the purposes of soul coming into this life, how all are met with love and by loved ones upon leaving the body, and the many aspects of Divine Love, we still can't simply “spiritualize away” the passing of someone dearly loved and who has been an integral part of this personal life experience by saying "they have gone to a better place.” It still hurts to the depths of our being; we may still feel abandoned, lost, angry, fearful, or other emotions of grief. There are a few simple techniques, however, that may ease the heartache we feel during these times. One such technique can be done at any time – Love Knows No Distance. I have done this with a number of loved ones who were at the end of their life — the first time being with my grandmother. It is a technique that is loving and empowering for both you and your loved one. Love Knows No Distance: A Technique At the time my grandmother was coming in and out of awareness, I had only one time to speak with her over the phone. It was a short conversation and not much was said, but the love that flowed through the phone was beyond words. Love doesn’t require a lot of words. I desired so much to sit by her bedside and hold her hand and tell her of the love here for her and the love that awaited her, among other things. And so, I did, but from 800+ miles away. Even after she went into a coma, I could communicate with her using this technique. There is a space we can go within, where there is no blockage, no agenda, no Earthly baggage; there is just love—pure love—and concern for another. Love without condition. It is a healing field, and in doing so, it carries the presence of divine love. The Technique: Daily I sat quietly, closed my eyes and from within I visualized myself sitting beside my grandmother’s bed. I visualized myself holding her hand and I told her all that I wanted to tell her – not to be afraid, what she might see, who may be waiting for her with love, etc. And sometimes I said nothing at all; I just sent out love through my body, my soul, out my hand and into her body, imagining that I was filling her body with love. There is peace in this space, and a calm surrender to the shared Love from which we are all created. Result of the Technique: A Love Given is a Love Received When we do a practice such as this, we may get messages from our loved one in our daily life or in our nightly dreams. In my experience, while my grandmother was in a coma, she came to me in a vivid dream. In this particular first dream, she came to tell me she was ready to leave, and she wanted to say goodbye, among other messages. Her voice was strong, healthy, filled with joy and energy, no longer constrained by any physical conditions. For you, the message may come as a song on the radio at a pivotal time, a scent in the air, a sign you happen to notice when you are lost in thought, a peaceful or exhilarating feeling within your body that seems to come out of nowhere when in a place that you once shared with your loved one. While nothing can fully take away the deep emptiness and feelings of grief that we inevitably feel when someone we love is no longer sharing this life with us, my hope is that the empowering presence of Love found within cradles any part of you that you feel is broken and reminds you of the expansive love that is infinitely present and available to you. “In your Earthly body, each has a responsibility to each, and that responsibility is love, understanding, compassion, resolve, purpose.” – Ch 1: Love, Friday, October 16, 1981 Session 22, Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com.
AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024