Whether in your relationships, as you envision something better for yourself and your life, or you simply love the feeling of inner peace, calm, ease, grace, and flow, here's a simple practice that I find valuable to “keep the peace” within myself. 🕊️ Perhaps they will be helpful for you too. ❤️ For whatever area or areas of your life that you desire to be different than what it is, this practice invites you to see your challenges and obstacles to peace from a logical and spiritual vantage point: Logical: The facts are the facts, at this moment. My resistance to it won’t change the facts right now, but how I choose to respond will determine what my experience is. Spiritual: There is a higher plan and purpose for all things… perhaps there is something that this person or event is calling me to be or do in this moment. What might that be? Detachment process: Notice your thoughts in response. Ask, “Does this thought, or reaction serve a purpose for me right now?” If not, don’t buy into it. In these times, remind yourself of two things: 1) You’re not your experiences (nor are defined by what others say to or about you). AND 2) There is always a solution. So, this month, to experience everyday peace more often, embrace this truth: I am not my experiences and I get to choose peace over anything else. And I am worthy, deserving, guided, and supported through it all.” As always, my beautiful friend, relax in the knowing.
xoxo, Lisa -- ** If you're not receiving soul mail, simply sign up to receive one of my free gifts and you'll be automatically added! >> --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - www.LoveIsTheSeed.com. Follow Lisa Hromada on Twitter ~ @loveistheseed
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AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024