Life works in funny ways. It often guides you toward paths that push your boundaries, pull you out the comfort of your shell, and call you to climb higher than you believe is possible. Life has a way of putting people, events, and circumstances along your path to make you stop and question yourself, your life, and what’s next. And… it can shake your confidence. But here’s what I’ve learned… there is a divine reason and purpose why. It is to uplift and uplevel you to reach within and realize or awaken to a deep soul truth — that you are the leader of this epic journey called “life”. If you want powerful, unweaving confidence, this short article is for you. Here are 3 tips to get you on the path to greater confidence: (ONE) Accept your role as being the one to lift yourself up. You can certainly be uplifted by others, but the true power is within you. And it is going to come from learning how to guide your mind into a state of empowerment. This can be through guided meditations on mindset. I like to call these “rescripting your truth” meditations because when you listen daily to audios or meditations that uplift you, shifts naturally happen in the thoughts that repeat in your mind throughout the day. (TWO) You are not missing anything. One of the most powerful things I’ve learned along my journey is that you, and each, are loaded and coded with everything you need to create unwavering confidence and be the powerful leader of your life that you are born to be. You are a sacred soul. You are part of your Source. And as such, you are equipped with everything you need. Your practice is to find ways to access that potential within you. Remind yourself: “I have everything I need in me right now.” (THREE) You have so much innate power and capability, it would blow your mind. If I heard this 5 years ago when I set out to write and share the messages in Love is the Seed: Teachings from the Spirit World, which launched my work, I would have certainly not believed it. My confidence was low. I had fears around putting myself “out there”, changing my brand and the focus of my work, and oh… the “dreaded” public speaking. Say the word, “public speaking” and I would instinctually want to run the opposite way. Fortunately, I didn’t, and I’ve discovered what’s possible when you catch that inner power and capability hiding within. It might be dormant within you, waiting for you to tap into it. And you begin to do so by the way you speak to yourself. When you set the stage to be the leader to uplift yourself, know you’re missing NOTHING, and you tap into your innate power, your self-confidence in going to start to rise. You are going to awaken that unlimited potential that is lying dormant within you. And if you know of anyone who struggles with self-confidence or self-belief, share this with them. Let’s lift each other up. --- You are free to share this or any part of this article as long as you link back to and credit this blog article. - Follow Lisa Hromada on Twitter ~ @loveistheseed
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AuthorLisa Hromada Archives
July 2024